Home / Tune Into Localogy Live for GPO’s Best Practices for Local Search

Tune Into Localogy Live for GPO’s Best Practices for Local Search

GPO leaders Brian Rutledge and John South share how to drive a best-in-class local search experience in a vodcast with Localogy Live’s Michael Boland.

Did you know that consumers are 12 times more likely to click on an organic search result than a paid ad? That means consumers tend to scroll right past paid ads to organic search results to find what they’re looking for on a search engine result page (SERP). To take it a step further, nearly half of all Google searches have local intent, which means brands must optimize their content to show up in local organic search results.

When it comes to driving clicks to your website, showing up in local organic search results is essential — and it requires strategic thinking and execution. During this week’s Localogy Live episode GPO founder Brian Rutledge and GPO board advisor John South chat with vodcast host Michael Boland about the importance of local search, how brands can become more strategic in the technology they use to drive organic clicks, and what it means to make the internet a better place.

Register and tune into the broadcast on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 1 PM CT. During this vodcast, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of a search-optimized content strategy
  • How technology can help your local search strategy
  • How brands can compete with data aggregators
  • What multi-location brands should keep in mind when it comes to organic search

Brian Rutledge and John South Localogy Leaders marketing mock up

About Localogy Live

Local search trade association Localogy recently launched Localogy Live, a vodcast series highlighting leaders who use localized marketing tactics to drive online clicks, calls, and sales.

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